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Reproduction Services

Foaling &
Neonatal Care

Surveillance, supervision, intervention, communication...this is what brings a breeder peace of mind in the final days leading up to foaling...and in the first few days of a newborn foal's life.  Months of planning and anticipation all come down to this critical time.  We can give you that peace of mind by providing a safe foaling environment, vigilant round-the-clock monitoring, regular updates, and the experience and ability to assist as needed, giving your foal the very best start to life!


Everton Equine can provide your mare and foal with:

  • 8 oversize stalls for foaling, and mares with foals 

  • stalls monitored by cameras with infra-red night vision to supervise expectant mares while allowing quiet privacy

  • foal-safe stall and door construction, of washable material for sanitization between visiting mares

  • bedding, hay, and feed of your choice including clean straw or our custom-milled, dust-free, extra large flake shavings 

  • staff on site 24 hours a day when foals are expected

  • milk testing to aid in predicting imminent foaling

  • cleaning and preparation of the mare prior to foaling

  • the option of using our FoalAlert birth alarm system

  • a local network of top reproduction veterinarians  

  • option of trailer on standby for emergency transport to Ontario Veterinary College or Milton Equine Hospital 


A foal's first few days of life are precious, and we intend to make their introduction to the world safe and positive.  Newborn foals will be closely monitored, evaluated, and assisted if necessary for correct milestones and vital signs:

  • temperature, pulse and respiration

  • standing and normal learning of locomotion

  • effective nursing, and the collection of colostrum to ensure adequate colostrum intake by feeding if needed

  • evaluation of colostrum quality by refractometer

  • milk replacer should a foal need additional nutrition

  • observation for correct urination, passing of meconium and administration of foal enema

  • immediate and regular treatment of the umbilicus 

  • provision of foal blankets for premature foals or in colder weather

  • Healthy Foal Check with a veterinarian. including IgG antibody testing within 24 hours of birth


Any breeder's most valuable asset is their broodmare, and your mare will receive as much individual attention as her newborn foal.  Following delivery she will be observed and attended to for:

  • normal maternal behaviours and lactation

  • complete and timely passing of the placenta, administration of oxytocin if needed, and preservation of placenta for examination

  • post-foaling deworming treatment

  • treatment for pain management as needed

  • electrolyte replacement to encourage hydration

  • examination by a veterinarian at the Foal Check


Once both mare and foal are determined to be healthy, we offer graduated turnout options to allow for close management and supervision of both mare and foal in their early days together: 

  • covered 48 x 14 foot pen with adjoining stall for early season foals and inhospitable weather

  • outdoor 45 x 45 and 60 x 60 foot nursery pens fenced in no-climb mesh and isolated on all sides to ensure foals may be closely monitored, mares have comfortable privacy, and for biosecurity

  • two additional drylot paddocks for individual turnout of mares, mares with foals, and those with dietary restrictions

  • mares and foals will be introduced to pasture when appropriate (usually 1-2 weeks) and those staying long-term will then join our herds on larger pastures for the summer


Despite everybody's best intentions, some foals face more challenges than others early in life.  The duties of bottle feeding, assisted nursing, repeated enemas, medication administration, splinting and restricted exercise and multiple veterinary visits can be overwhelming for breeders at home.  We can provide neonatal intensive care and work under your veterinarians direction to get your foal on track for healthy and sound continued growth and development.



Whether your mare is staying to be rebred after foaling, or coming to Everton specifically for the purpose of breeding, we will aim to obtain you a healthy pregnancy in as efficient a timeframe as possible.  Every mare is an individual, and to maximize fertility and promote conception, she must be in optimal health, comfortable and stress-free in her environment, and the breeding targeted as accurately as possible to ovulation.  Pinpointing optimal timing for insemination is achieved through behaviour observation, systematic tracking of follicle growth and uterine changes via ultrasound, hormonal manipulation and diligent record keeping.  Your mare will receive the best of care during her stay, and we will work alongside your veterinarian and in communication with your stallion manager/semen distributor to provide:


  • a robust nutrition program

  • daily or full time turnout in our tranquil surroundings 

  • housing in our bright climate-controlled barn, under timed lighting (minimum 16 hours light) when stabled

  • administration of hormone therapy as needed, (under veterinary direction) for short-cycling or predictable ovulation induction

  • assistance to veterinarian for breeding soundness exams, swabs, treatments, lavages and administration of medications 

  • assistance to veterinarian for tracking cycles by ultrasound at any hour of the day

  • ordering of semen shipments and secure storage upon delivery

  • scheduled post-breeding oxytocin series therapy

  • follow-up care until pregnancy checks at 14 days, and fetal heartbeat check by 30 days


Upon a confirmed pregnancy check, your broodmare is welcome to join our resident herd for long-term management. We are happy to co-ordinate embryo transfers on site and manage your recipient mare in our long-term broodmare care program as well.  At Everton Equine our goal is for your mare to be healthy, happy...and in foal! We will strive to work with you, your veterinarian, and your stallion manager to get you that result as efficiently as possible!

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5245 7th Line, Guelph-Eramosa, Ontario, N0B 2K0

Phone: 519-820-2568    Email:

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