Post-Surgical Rehabiliation
Our facility is naturally conducive to the housing and care of horses who require a high degree medical care, careful monitoring and observation, and a graduated management program from confinement, to restricted turnout, and eventually back to their former lifestyle. Newborn foals and resident horses at Everton Farms will receive any medical care required should the need arise, but we also accept referrals from owners, breeders and veterinarians for outside horses. With extensive experience and our selection of small pen turnout areas, we are happy to assist with animals that have undergone surgery or significant medical procedures and need to spend time at a facility that can provide an advanced level of care, supervision and controlled management.
Working alongside our expert local veterinarians, Everton Equine has successfully treated foals for a number of conditions ranging from the correction of angular limb deformities and contracted tendons, to post-operative care of abdominal, orthopaedic and bone surgery patients. Outside of our busy breeding season, we provide care aiding in the recovery of adult horses who have undergone a variety of surgical procedures. We stay in regular communication with owners and veterinarians as horses progress through treatment and recovery, and are able to co-ordinate transport and handling of horses for follow-up appointments at OVC or other local hospitals if required.
We are unable to accept horses other than broodmares and foals during our busy foaling and breeding season from March-July, and do not provide sportsmedicine rehab care. We encourage both owners and veterinarians to contact us regarding the individual needs of horses requiring intensive care and rehabilitation.